Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Quarterly Earnings Review

2007 Earnings/May/June/July/August

1. Ad Revenue /$.71 /$3.15/$13.35/$5.46
Review: this income was steadily increasing each month until August with the highest income so far in July most likely because of higher traffic due to participation in Blog Carnivals. Goal: participate in more Blog Carnivals.

2. AmX Rewards /$0/$0/$250.00/$0
Review: this was a one time bonus reward. Goal: possibly sign up for another credit card that offers a sign up bonus.

3. Associated Content/$34.88/$26.36/$49.01/$4.10
Review: this income has changed each month based on how many articles I submitted. Income in August was from page views only. Goal: submit more articles to Associated Content.

4. Cash Crate/$51.47/$51.27/$75.97/$23.53
Review: this income dropped disappointingly in August. Goal: solve the problem with cookies with my computer so the offers will confirm.

5. Church Nursery/$84.00/$112.00/$112.00 /$56.00
Review: this income should go back to $112 a month since we won't be away on the weekends anymore. Goal: work each Sunday.

6. Ebay Sales/$0 /$18.49/$59.00/$74.54
Review: this income has been steadily increasing each month. Goal: list more items for sale on ebay.

7. Savings/$0 /$18.00/$13.00/$55.00
Review: this income has increased due to our putting aside a lot of money from my husband's high commissions to save for the months with low commissions. Goal: not too much control over this but will save any extra funds from high commission months.

8. myLot/$0/$0/$0/$.36
Review: haven't earned too much with this forum and there doesn't seem to be enough

Mystery Shop 52.70 0 0 10.00
Yard Sale 0 0 0 125.00
Jewelry Sales 375.90 575.50 267.19 0
Contacts Reimb. 0 200.00 0 0
Fairy Tale Tresas. 0 1.55 0 0
Returned Stuff 0 6.25 140.77 0
Total 599.66 1,015.40 1,007.29 346.94