Monday, January 14, 2008

1/14/08 - Daily Progress Report

We had a "snow day" today, no school because of snow. We have taken advantage of this and all stayed in our pajamas for the day, including my husband who is working from home. Fun!

I have spent the majority of today re-reading "The Complete Tightwad Gazette" by Amy Dacyczyn. This is one of the few books that I found worthy enough to purchase after I had borrowed it several times from the library. I get inspired to be more frugal every time I read it.

I think I will spend the rest of the day making homemade meatballs and flash freezing for later use. I'll probably make 5 meals worth of meatballs with very little extra effort as compared to making 1 meals worth.

It would be a "no spend" day except that the plow service did plow our driveway at a very UN-frugal cost of $45. (And this is our 3rd plow of the year, making the total cost $135! - yikes!)

In some ways this does seem like an extravagant expenses. Especially since we were going to have my daughter and her friend shovel it for $10 each. But the plow guy showed up too soon, and we don't want to lose him. (For some reason it is tough to find a plow service around here. They are all booked up and don't want/need more business.)

On days like today when my husband and kids are home, we could handle the shoveling of the driveway. But in the past, we have had it snow at very inconvenient times and had trouble getting the cars out of the driveway, or if my husband was at work, had trouble getting his car in the driveway. And that's a lot to ask of someone who just worked a 10 hour day plus another 3+ hour commute (in the snow), to get home and shovel in the dark. And I must reluctantly admit that I am not able to handle the daunting task alone. So, plow service it is.

Today's Income: $0

Today's Expenses: $45

Snow Plowing: $45