A couple of month's ago Five Cent Nickel posted about some Great Credit Card Offers. I was reluctant and skeptical to apply for a card to take advantage of the bonus rewards points being offered. But after some thought and several phone calls to verify the details of the offer, I went ahead and applied for an American Express Card (business card, but anyone can get it as a "sole proprietor"). The $40 membership is waived for the first year (and I plan to cancel before the next), and I was supposed to receive 25,000 membership rewards after making my first purchase (of any amount, even $1). These membership rewards can be cashed in for a free airline ticket or for gift cards.
Well . . . I am very happy to report that I just received my free $250 in gift cards in the mail!!!
Yup! $250 in free gift cards!! There are lots of stores to choose from. I decided to get $150 for The Gap, $50 for Bath & Body Works, and $50 for Crate & Barrell. I plan to use these to buy Christmas gifts for my family.
So, if you're interested, it's not too late to sign up!
I'm even considering applying for another!