Well, it finally happened. I had my first disaster of a Craft Show this past Saturday.
I paid $45 to be in the show plus had to donate a raffle item with a retail value of $25, and the show was horrible! I stayed up until 2am on Friday night making sure I had enough stock for the show, then got up at 6am and drove for an hour to get there. Right after I set up all my stuff I made two sales to 2 of the vendors and those were my only sales of the whole day! Ugh!
And it wasn't just me. None of the vendors sold anything. It was a Family Fun Day type of event and there were a lot of people there but everyone was playing volleyball and basketball and eating their free picnic type lunch. The vendors were kind of across the field and nobody even came over to look.
Well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.
So, in total I made $34 for the day, which really was a loss after you account for the fee and raffle item.
I really don't have any more shows scheduled over the summer. Partly because there aren't a lot of summer shows and partly because we have a lot of weekend plans already planned. I might participate in a 2 day show at the end of August but I haven't decided yet.
Once September comes, I have a show booked for every Saturday in Sept., Oct., Nov., and a couple in Dec. In total I think I have 15 more shows booked. So, I figure that I hope to sell at least 100 pendants per show (hopefully much more) - so I will need at least 1,500 pendants ready to sell this fall. So, I plan to spend the summer making stock so that I will have enough for all the fall shows.
Now I need to get my July budget finished!