Total Income - $7,526
Total Expenses - $7,465
Save For Future Expenses - $61
* * * * * * * * * *
This month I am determined to stick to my budget!! To help ensure that this happens, I have budgeted on the high side with a firm determination to come in at or under budget in all categories. I feel this will help me gain a sense of accomplishment and once mastered, I will focus on reducing some of the categories.
My goal will also be to track my expenses weekly instead of monthly. I found it too difficult to keep up with daily tracking yet I don't want to wait until the end of the month to see how I am doing. Weekly tracking will hopefully solve these problems.
* * * * * * * * *
Budgeted Income
Beginning Checking Account Balance: $1,433
Husband's 1st of month paycheck: $1,831
Transfer from Savings: $2,500
Total Funds for Beginning of September: $5,764
Estimate of Husband's 15th of month paycheck: $1,687
Estimate of my Church earnings 15th of month: $75
Total Estimate of All Regular Funds for September: $7,526
* * * * * * * * *
Budgeted Expenses
mortgage - $2,355
Capital One - $739
HELOQ - $193
Chase - $168
Electric - $190
Oil - $250
Car Ins. - $138
Cable/Phone/Net - $167
Trash - $65
Newspaper - $8
Bills Subtotal - $4,273
Grocery - $480
Spending - $200
Pizza Night - $80
Kid's Clothing - $200
Parties - $125
Gifts - $190
Tooth Fairy - $10
School Lunch - $18
Dining Out - $195
Babysitting - $20
Cash Subtotal - $1,518
Irish Step Lessons - $240
Preschool - $250
Piano Lessons - $264
Kids Activity Fees - $305
Auto Gas - $450
Uhaul truck - $65
Misc. - $100
Subtotal - $1,674
Total Budgeted Expenses - $7,465
Friday, August 31, 2007
Quarterly Earnings Review - August 2007
Time to review all of my earnings over the past four months to determine which sources have been the most lucrative and which have not been worth my time. The list starts with the highest income total and goes down to the lowest. I have commented on each source with both a "review" of that income source and a "goal" for that income source.
Monthly Earnings Totals
May: $599.66/June: $1,015.40/July: $1,007.29/Aug.: $346.94
1. Jewelry Sales/Total: $1,218.59/Avg.: $304.64
May: $375.90/June: $575.50/July: $267.19/Aug.: $0
Review: this is one of my most lucrative income sources. Goal: focus on upgrading jewelry website to include a shopping cart. Have color catalog printed. Sign up for fall craft fairs.
2. Church Nursery/Total: $364/Avg.: $91
May: $84.00/June: $112.00/July: $112.00 /Aug.: $56.00
Review: this income should go back to $112 a month since we won't be away on the weekends anymore. Goal: work each Sunday.
3. AmX Rewards/Total: $250/Avg.: $62.50
May: $0/June: $0/Juloy: $250.00/Aug: $0
Review: this was a one time bonus reward. Goal: possibly sign up for another credit card that offers a sign up bonus.
4. Cash Crate/Total: $202.24/Avg.: $50.56
May: $51.47/June: $51.27/July: $75.97/Aug.: $23.53
Review: this income dropped disappointingly in August. Goal: solve the problem with cookies with my computer so the offers will confirm.
5. Contacts Reimbursement/Total: $200/Avg.: $50
May: $0/June: $200.00/July: $0/Aug.: $0
Review: I have reached the maximum reimbursement that my plan allows for this year. (I included this in my earnings because there is some paper work involved and in the past I have neglected to do it or have submitted it too late and lost this valuable income!) Goal: find a new in network opthamologist so I can be reimbursed up to $250 for 2008.
6. Returned Stuff/Total: $147.02/Avg.: $36.75
May: $0/June: $6.25/July: $140.77/Aug.: $0
Review: I include this in my earnings because in the past I have sometimes neglected to return something even if I found we didn't need it. Now I view this as an income category to motivate me to return any purchase or gift we find didn't fit our needs or is not necessary. Goal: I have a lot of unneeded clothing that I purchased for the kids that I need to return in September.
7. Yard Sale/Total: $125/Avg.: $31.25
May: $0/June: $0/July: $0/Aug.: $125.00
Review: this was a whole lot of work. I think selling on ebay is less work with better results. Goal: don't plan another yard sale.
8. Associated Content/Total: $114.35/Avg.: $28.58
May: $34.88/June: $26.36/July: $49.01/Aug. $4.10
Review: this income has changed each month based on how many articles I submitted. Income in August was from page views only. Goal: submit more articles to Associated Content.
9. Ebay Sales/Total: $98.03/Avg.: $24.50
May: $0 /June: $18.49/July: $59.00/Aug.: $74.54
Review: this income has been steadily increasing each month. Goal: list more items for sale on ebay.
10. Savings Interest /Total: $86/Avg.: $21.50
May: $0 /June: $18.00/July: $13.00/Aug.: $55.00
Review: this income has increased due to our putting aside a lot of money from my husband's high commissions to save for the months with low commissions. Goal: not too much control over this but will save any extra funds from high commission months.
11. Mystery Shopping/Total: $62.70/Avg.: $15.67
May: $52.70/June: $0/July: $0/Aug.: $10.00
Review: this has been a good way to earn some free merchandise or meals. Goal: sign up for more assignments.
12. Ad Revenue/Total: $22.67/Avg: $5.66
May: $.71 /June: $3.15/July: $13.35/Aug: $5.46
Review: this income was steadily increasing each month until August with the highest income so far in July most likely because of higher traffic due to participation in Blog Carnivals. Goal: participate in more Blog Carnivals.
13. Fairy Tale Tresasures/Total: $1.55/Avg.: $ .38
May: $0/June: $1.55/July: $0/Aug.: $0
Review: this was a get paid to survey type site that I tried but was not able to earn much because of problems with the cookies on my computer. Goal: find out how to fix the cookies problem with my computer and earn more with get paid to sites.
14. myLot/Total: $ .36/Avg.: $ .09
May: $0/June: $0/July: $0/Aug.: $.36
Review: haven't earned too much with this forum and there doesn't seem to be enough people interested in discussing personal finance so I didn't earn much with them. Goal: I will probably drop this as an income source.
So, that's it for this quarter. Hopefully next quarter will prove even more lucrative so the debts can be paid off even faster. The journey to financial peace continues . . .
Monthly Earnings Totals
May: $599.66/June: $1,015.40/July: $1,007.29/Aug.: $346.94
1. Jewelry Sales/Total: $1,218.59/Avg.: $304.64
May: $375.90/June: $575.50/July: $267.19/Aug.: $0
Review: this is one of my most lucrative income sources. Goal: focus on upgrading jewelry website to include a shopping cart. Have color catalog printed. Sign up for fall craft fairs.
2. Church Nursery/Total: $364/Avg.: $91
May: $84.00/June: $112.00/July: $112.00 /Aug.: $56.00
Review: this income should go back to $112 a month since we won't be away on the weekends anymore. Goal: work each Sunday.
3. AmX Rewards/Total: $250/Avg.: $62.50
May: $0/June: $0/Juloy: $250.00/Aug: $0
Review: this was a one time bonus reward. Goal: possibly sign up for another credit card that offers a sign up bonus.
4. Cash Crate/Total: $202.24/Avg.: $50.56
May: $51.47/June: $51.27/July: $75.97/Aug.: $23.53
Review: this income dropped disappointingly in August. Goal: solve the problem with cookies with my computer so the offers will confirm.
5. Contacts Reimbursement/Total: $200/Avg.: $50
May: $0/June: $200.00/July: $0/Aug.: $0
Review: I have reached the maximum reimbursement that my plan allows for this year. (I included this in my earnings because there is some paper work involved and in the past I have neglected to do it or have submitted it too late and lost this valuable income!) Goal: find a new in network opthamologist so I can be reimbursed up to $250 for 2008.
6. Returned Stuff/Total: $147.02/Avg.: $36.75
May: $0/June: $6.25/July: $140.77/Aug.: $0
Review: I include this in my earnings because in the past I have sometimes neglected to return something even if I found we didn't need it. Now I view this as an income category to motivate me to return any purchase or gift we find didn't fit our needs or is not necessary. Goal: I have a lot of unneeded clothing that I purchased for the kids that I need to return in September.
7. Yard Sale/Total: $125/Avg.: $31.25
May: $0/June: $0/July: $0/Aug.: $125.00
Review: this was a whole lot of work. I think selling on ebay is less work with better results. Goal: don't plan another yard sale.
8. Associated Content/Total: $114.35/Avg.: $28.58
May: $34.88/June: $26.36/July: $49.01/Aug. $4.10
Review: this income has changed each month based on how many articles I submitted. Income in August was from page views only. Goal: submit more articles to Associated Content.
9. Ebay Sales/Total: $98.03/Avg.: $24.50
May: $0 /June: $18.49/July: $59.00/Aug.: $74.54
Review: this income has been steadily increasing each month. Goal: list more items for sale on ebay.
10. Savings Interest /Total: $86/Avg.: $21.50
May: $0 /June: $18.00/July: $13.00/Aug.: $55.00
Review: this income has increased due to our putting aside a lot of money from my husband's high commissions to save for the months with low commissions. Goal: not too much control over this but will save any extra funds from high commission months.
11. Mystery Shopping/Total: $62.70/Avg.: $15.67
May: $52.70/June: $0/July: $0/Aug.: $10.00
Review: this has been a good way to earn some free merchandise or meals. Goal: sign up for more assignments.
12. Ad Revenue/Total: $22.67/Avg: $5.66
May: $.71 /June: $3.15/July: $13.35/Aug: $5.46
Review: this income was steadily increasing each month until August with the highest income so far in July most likely because of higher traffic due to participation in Blog Carnivals. Goal: participate in more Blog Carnivals.
13. Fairy Tale Tresasures/Total: $1.55/Avg.: $ .38
May: $0/June: $1.55/July: $0/Aug.: $0
Review: this was a get paid to survey type site that I tried but was not able to earn much because of problems with the cookies on my computer. Goal: find out how to fix the cookies problem with my computer and earn more with get paid to sites.
14. myLot/Total: $ .36/Avg.: $ .09
May: $0/June: $0/July: $0/Aug.: $.36
Review: haven't earned too much with this forum and there doesn't seem to be enough people interested in discussing personal finance so I didn't earn much with them. Goal: I will probably drop this as an income source.
So, that's it for this quarter. Hopefully next quarter will prove even more lucrative so the debts can be paid off even faster. The journey to financial peace continues . . .
08/31/07 - Daily Progress Report
Well, it's the last day of the month. August has been my worst income producing month since I started tracking my earnings in May. I think the main reason for this is that we went away on a lot of trips in August. I spent more time vacationing than earning!
Well, tomorrow begins September with a clean slate. Don't you just love fresh beginnings? My kids will start school on Wednesday 9/5/07. The two older girls will be in school daily until around 3pm. The youngest will be in school three days a week until 1pm. So, this will give me a lot of extra time to earn, earn, earn!
I am determined not to let my poor performance in August affect my thinking. I'm sticking to my original goal of $1,000 per month!
Today's Income: $1.03
Cash Crate: $ .16
Ad Revenue: $ .10
Associated Content Perf. Bonus: $ .77
Today's Expenses:
Well, tomorrow begins September with a clean slate. Don't you just love fresh beginnings? My kids will start school on Wednesday 9/5/07. The two older girls will be in school daily until around 3pm. The youngest will be in school three days a week until 1pm. So, this will give me a lot of extra time to earn, earn, earn!
I am determined not to let my poor performance in August affect my thinking. I'm sticking to my original goal of $1,000 per month!
Today's Income: $1.03
Cash Crate: $ .16
Ad Revenue: $ .10
Associated Content Perf. Bonus: $ .77
Today's Expenses:
Thursday, August 30, 2007
08/30/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $ .19
Cash Crate: $ .16
Ad Revenue: $ .03
Today's Expenses:
Cash Crate: $ .16
Ad Revenue: $ .03
Today's Expenses:
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Quarterly Earnings Review
2007 Earnings/May/June/July/August
1. Ad Revenue /$.71 /$3.15/$13.35/$5.46
Review: this income was steadily increasing each month until August with the highest income so far in July most likely because of higher traffic due to participation in Blog Carnivals. Goal: participate in more Blog Carnivals.
2. AmX Rewards /$0/$0/$250.00/$0
Review: this was a one time bonus reward. Goal: possibly sign up for another credit card that offers a sign up bonus.
3. Associated Content/$34.88/$26.36/$49.01/$4.10
Review: this income has changed each month based on how many articles I submitted. Income in August was from page views only. Goal: submit more articles to Associated Content.
4. Cash Crate/$51.47/$51.27/$75.97/$23.53
Review: this income dropped disappointingly in August. Goal: solve the problem with cookies with my computer so the offers will confirm.
5. Church Nursery/$84.00/$112.00/$112.00 /$56.00
Review: this income should go back to $112 a month since we won't be away on the weekends anymore. Goal: work each Sunday.
6. Ebay Sales/$0 /$18.49/$59.00/$74.54
Review: this income has been steadily increasing each month. Goal: list more items for sale on ebay.
7. Savings/$0 /$18.00/$13.00/$55.00
Review: this income has increased due to our putting aside a lot of money from my husband's high commissions to save for the months with low commissions. Goal: not too much control over this but will save any extra funds from high commission months.
8. myLot/$0/$0/$0/$.36
Review: haven't earned too much with this forum and there doesn't seem to be enough
Mystery Shop 52.70 0 0 10.00
Yard Sale 0 0 0 125.00
Jewelry Sales 375.90 575.50 267.19 0
Contacts Reimb. 0 200.00 0 0
Fairy Tale Tresas. 0 1.55 0 0
Returned Stuff 0 6.25 140.77 0
Total 599.66 1,015.40 1,007.29 346.94
August 2007 Earnings
Ad Revenue: $5.46
Associated Content: $4.10
Cash Crate: $23.53
Church Nursery: $56
Ebay Sales: $74.54
Savings Interest: $55
myLot: $ .36
Mystery Shopping (NSS): $10
Yard Sale: $125
Total: $347.97
Associated Content: $4.10
Cash Crate: $23.53
Church Nursery: $56
Ebay Sales: $74.54
Savings Interest: $55
myLot: $ .36
Mystery Shopping (NSS): $10
Yard Sale: $125
Total: $347.97
08/28/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $ .83
Cash Crate: $ .81
Ad Revenue: $ .02
Today's Expenses: $0
Cash Crate: $ .81
Ad Revenue: $ .02
Today's Expenses: $0
Monday, August 27, 2007
Carnival of Personal Finance
Don't miss this weeks Carnival of Personal Finance hosted by Free Money Finance.
I Fixed It! (Finally!)
I was finally able to fix my blog so that it won't be so slow to load! Thank you to everyone who stuck around while it was slow!
I also cleaned up some of the items in my right side bar so things will look more stream lined.
I will be working with my husband to finalize the September budget and will be tallying up all the August totals and will post all that info when it's ready.
I also cleaned up some of the items in my right side bar so things will look more stream lined.
I will be working with my husband to finalize the September budget and will be tallying up all the August totals and will post all that info when it's ready.
May 2007 Earnings
Associated Content: $34.88
Cash Crate: $51.47
Church Nursery: $84
Jewelry Sales: $375.90
Ad Income: $ .71
Mystery Shopping: $52.70
Total: $599.66
Cash Crate: $51.47
Church Nursery: $84
Jewelry Sales: $375.90
Ad Income: $ .71
Mystery Shopping: $52.70
Total: $599.66
June 2007 Earnings
Associated Content: $26.36
Cash Crate: $51.27
Church Nursery: $112
Contacts Reimbursement: $200
Jewelry Sales: $575.50
Ebay Sales: $18.49
Savings Interest: $18
Fairy Tale Treasures: $1.55
Ad Income: $3.15
Returned Items: $6.25
Total: $1,015.40
July 2007 Earnings
July 2007 Earnings
Ads: $13.35
American Express Rewards: $250
Associated Content: $49.01
Cash Crate: $75.97
Church Nursery: $112
Ebay: $59
Savings Interest: $13
Jewelry Sales: $267.19
Rebates: $27
Returns: $140.77
Total: $1,007.29
Ads: $13.35
American Express Rewards: $250
Associated Content: $49.01
Cash Crate: $75.97
Church Nursery: $112
Ebay: $59
Savings Interest: $13
Jewelry Sales: $267.19
Rebates: $27
Returns: $140.77
Total: $1,007.29
08/27/07 - Daily Progress Report
Well, things sure have been busy around here! We did have the yard sale but I was a bit disappointed in our earnings. We only made $125. Not terrible but I was hoping for more. $715 would have been nice so I could have reached my $1,000 income goal for the month! lol!
So, looks like I'm going to come in way under goal this month for earnings. I think I was thrown off track a bit by trying to focus on tracking my expenses. I'm not going to give up my focus on expenses in September, but I am going to plan my budget a lot more carefully to make sure that I can realistically stay at or below budget.
I think I set my budget figures a bit too low in August. I am in such a hurry to have all my debts paid off, but being unrealistic goals only leads to failure. I am going to focus on being realistic in September and sticking to the budget 100%. I think if I can be successful at adhering to the budget for a couple of months I can then work at slowly lowering some of the categories.
This is not to say that I won't be working on increasing my income! With the kids going back to school I will have more time to focus on earning. I will definitely try to write for Associated Content and I will work on fixing my computer's cookies trouble so that my offers will confirm at Cash Crate. I am also going to start signing up for the fall Craft Fairs where I can sell my jewelry.
I'm ready for September to start over fresh!
Today's Earnings: $ .74
Ad revenue: $ .48
Associated Content Performance Bonus: $ .18
Cash Crate revenue: $ .10
Today's Expenses: $0
So, looks like I'm going to come in way under goal this month for earnings. I think I was thrown off track a bit by trying to focus on tracking my expenses. I'm not going to give up my focus on expenses in September, but I am going to plan my budget a lot more carefully to make sure that I can realistically stay at or below budget.
I think I set my budget figures a bit too low in August. I am in such a hurry to have all my debts paid off, but being unrealistic goals only leads to failure. I am going to focus on being realistic in September and sticking to the budget 100%. I think if I can be successful at adhering to the budget for a couple of months I can then work at slowly lowering some of the categories.
This is not to say that I won't be working on increasing my income! With the kids going back to school I will have more time to focus on earning. I will definitely try to write for Associated Content and I will work on fixing my computer's cookies trouble so that my offers will confirm at Cash Crate. I am also going to start signing up for the fall Craft Fairs where I can sell my jewelry.
I'm ready for September to start over fresh!
Today's Earnings: $ .74
Ad revenue: $ .48
Associated Content Performance Bonus: $ .18
Cash Crate revenue: $ .10
Today's Expenses: $0
Sunday, August 26, 2007
08/26/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $28
Worked at the Church Nursery: $28
Today's Expenses:
Worked at the Church Nursery: $28
Today's Expenses:
08/25/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $125
Held our yard sale today. Earned: $125
Today's Expenses: $16
Had dinner with a friend: ($16.00 - JR Spending $)
Held our yard sale today. Earned: $125
Today's Expenses: $16
Had dinner with a friend: ($16.00 - JR Spending $)
Friday, August 24, 2007
New Template
For some reason my blog has been loading very very slowly lately. I looked into this and found that it has been happening recently to some other Blogger blogs. The problem was fixed when they changed their template. So, I changed mine. It still seems a little slow loading the right side bar, but I think I like this template.
What'd ya think?
What'd ya think?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Our Community Power
I recently discovered a great website called Our Community Power.
According to the site it is a place to "participate in discussions to share your views and get empowered by community experiences".
There are forums for debt, mortgage, credit, and insurance. Most of the forums pay you per post to participate in the forum and offer other ways to earn extra money as well. But the best part is being able to participate in discussions that are relevant to your interests.
I have had some problems becoming a members because of some security glitches on my computer, but I have often participated as a guest and feel it is a good site - definitely worth checking out!
According to the site it is a place to "participate in discussions to share your views and get empowered by community experiences".
There are forums for debt, mortgage, credit, and insurance. Most of the forums pay you per post to participate in the forum and offer other ways to earn extra money as well. But the best part is being able to participate in discussions that are relevant to your interests.
I have had some problems becoming a members because of some security glitches on my computer, but I have often participated as a guest and feel it is a good site - definitely worth checking out!
08/23/07 - Daily Progress Report
Cash on hand: $199
Checking account balance: $2,196
Total of unpaid bills: $1,040
Budgeted to save for future bills: $1,427
Will have to save for future bills: $1,156
Difference: - $271 (over budget by this amount)
Today's Earnings: $ .53
Cash Crate: $ .53
Today's Expenses: $739
Paid Capital One ($739 - Capital One) * This bill is the current target of our debt snowball!
Checking account balance: $2,196
Total of unpaid bills: $1,040
Budgeted to save for future bills: $1,427
Will have to save for future bills: $1,156
Difference: - $271 (over budget by this amount)
Today's Earnings: $ .53
Cash Crate: $ .53
Today's Expenses: $739
Paid Capital One ($739 - Capital One) * This bill is the current target of our debt snowball!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
08/22/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $10.43
One item of the ten I listed sold on ebay today: $8
Cash Crate: $1.71
Associated Content Performance Bonus: $ .60
Ad revenue: $ .12
Today's Expenses: $42.53
Dollar Store - ($13 - grocery)
Gas - ($29.53 - auto gas)
One item of the ten I listed sold on ebay today: $8
Cash Crate: $1.71
Associated Content Performance Bonus: $ .60
Ad revenue: $ .12
Today's Expenses: $42.53
Dollar Store - ($13 - grocery)
Gas - ($29.53 - auto gas)
08/21/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings:
Today's Expenses: $140.63+
Coa Coa Key water park: $120+
Rear light bulbs for car ($20.63 - auto maintenance)
Fantasy football DH ($21.95 - misc.)
Today's Expenses: $140.63+
Coa Coa Key water park: $120+
Rear light bulbs for car ($20.63 - auto maintenance)
Fantasy football DH ($21.95 - misc.)
Monday, August 20, 2007
08/20/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $ 1.07
Finally earned a tiny bit from Cash Crate today!: $ .48
Today's ad revenue: $ .10
Associated Content performance bonus (based on page views): $ .46
MyLot revenue: $ .03
Today's Expenses: $95.77
Kid's have friends sleeping over tonight so we ordered pizza for dinner, came to $32 ($20 - pizza budget, $12 - JR spending $)
Gas ($29.11 - auto gas)
Beer for softball party for DH ($34.66 - misc.)
Finally earned a tiny bit from Cash Crate today!: $ .48
Today's ad revenue: $ .10
Associated Content performance bonus (based on page views): $ .46
MyLot revenue: $ .03
Today's Expenses: $95.77
Kid's have friends sleeping over tonight so we ordered pizza for dinner, came to $32 ($20 - pizza budget, $12 - JR spending $)
Gas ($29.11 - auto gas)
Beer for softball party for DH ($34.66 - misc.)
Carnival of Personal Finance
This week's Carnival of Personal Finance is being hosted by The Simple Dollar. Lot's of great articles this week!
Don't Be Normal
Don't be normal. Normal is broke! (as Dave Ramsey says!)
People think I'm weird. Especially my family. They think my obsession with money and budgeting is strange. They thought it was a just a phase, but now after 7 months, they fear I may be weird for good.
My husband thinks it will be impossible for us to never have another car payment. (I am determined to prove him wrong!)
My mother doesn't think we should pay off our mortgage early. You'll lose the tax deduction! she warns. (Ignoring the fact that I'll save much more by not paying all that interest.)
My sisters definitely think I'm weird. (And I have 3 of them!
Sister #1 is young (mid 20's) and single and likes the finer things in life. She has a lot of disposable income, and uses it to buy herself nice stuff. She does not really appreciate when I give her financial advice. (I can't help myself! When I look at all those charts showing how much your money could be worth if you start young! I want her to avoid the mistakes I made [which were, coincidentally, also spending all of my own disposable income on nice stuff for myself].
Sister #2 is also young (late 20's) and has a lot of student loans (as she got her PhD). She just bought a condo with her boyfriend. She did not like my advice to live on beans and rice and rice and beans and pay off all of the student loans before buying a condo. Her boyfriend feels they shouldn't pay off the student loans early because the interest is so low. (I say no interest is better than low interest!)
Sister #3 is married with two kids (mid 30's). Her and her husband are both teachers and don't make a lot of money. But she only uses brand name products and thinks I'm strange when I say that I consider wipes a luxury. (And she's quick to point out that her pricey toilet paper is much softer than mine!)
So, I guess the consensus in my family is that I am weird. Truth be told, I kind of enjoy it. I guess I really do believe that I am living like no one else now so that I can live like no one else later! And I'll be laughing all the way to the bank!
People think I'm weird. Especially my family. They think my obsession with money and budgeting is strange. They thought it was a just a phase, but now after 7 months, they fear I may be weird for good.
My husband thinks it will be impossible for us to never have another car payment. (I am determined to prove him wrong!)
My mother doesn't think we should pay off our mortgage early. You'll lose the tax deduction! she warns. (Ignoring the fact that I'll save much more by not paying all that interest.)
My sisters definitely think I'm weird. (And I have 3 of them!
Sister #1 is young (mid 20's) and single and likes the finer things in life. She has a lot of disposable income, and uses it to buy herself nice stuff. She does not really appreciate when I give her financial advice. (I can't help myself! When I look at all those charts showing how much your money could be worth if you start young! I want her to avoid the mistakes I made [which were, coincidentally, also spending all of my own disposable income on nice stuff for myself].
Sister #2 is also young (late 20's) and has a lot of student loans (as she got her PhD). She just bought a condo with her boyfriend. She did not like my advice to live on beans and rice and rice and beans and pay off all of the student loans before buying a condo. Her boyfriend feels they shouldn't pay off the student loans early because the interest is so low. (I say no interest is better than low interest!)
Sister #3 is married with two kids (mid 30's). Her and her husband are both teachers and don't make a lot of money. But she only uses brand name products and thinks I'm strange when I say that I consider wipes a luxury. (And she's quick to point out that her pricey toilet paper is much softer than mine!)
So, I guess the consensus in my family is that I am weird. Truth be told, I kind of enjoy it. I guess I really do believe that I am living like no one else now so that I can live like no one else later! And I'll be laughing all the way to the bank!
Friday, August 17, 2007
08/17/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $10.03
MyLot - $ .03.
Completed a Mystery Shop for National Shopping Service: $10
Total Expenses: $18.83
Milk ($3.19 - grocery)
New bike helmet for daughter ($15.74 - misc.)
MyLot - $ .03.
Completed a Mystery Shop for National Shopping Service: $10
Total Expenses: $18.83
Milk ($3.19 - grocery)
New bike helmet for daughter ($15.74 - misc.)
Back On Track
Okay. I stayed up late last night and went through everything. Here's where I stand right now:
Groceries - I went over budget by $25.44.
Vacation - I went over the revised budget by $153.38.
Contacts - I went over budget by $10.
Total of $188.82 over budget.
So, I decided that in order to realistically be able to stay on plan for the rest of the month, and so that we will still contribute the $1,100 snowball towards our debts, I am going to revise my budget and increase it by $188.82. This is basically taking some money away from what I planned to save for next month's expenses. (Because my husband is on commission, I try to save some funds from the high commission month's to cover the low commission months. I have a few thousand dollars in a savings account for this and also some cushion in the checking account for the same reason. So, my cushion will just be a little lower.) So, here it is:
Original Budget
Saved From Last Month: $550
Income: $7,551.00
Expenses: $6,474
Left To Save For Next Month: $1,627
Revised Budget
Saved From Last Month: $550
Income: $7,551.00
Expenses: $6,662.82
Left To Save For Next Month: $1,438.18
I'm going to keep the $188.82 in the Misc. category so that I can use it for whatever I need to during the month. I have less than nothing left in the grocery budget so I'm sure I'll need to use some for that. And, although we have gone waaay over in the vacation category, we have already made plans with friends to bring the kids to a water park next week.
It has been far from a perfect month, but I'm back on track and I have a plan!
Groceries - I went over budget by $25.44.
Vacation - I went over the revised budget by $153.38.
Contacts - I went over budget by $10.
Total of $188.82 over budget.
So, I decided that in order to realistically be able to stay on plan for the rest of the month, and so that we will still contribute the $1,100 snowball towards our debts, I am going to revise my budget and increase it by $188.82. This is basically taking some money away from what I planned to save for next month's expenses. (Because my husband is on commission, I try to save some funds from the high commission month's to cover the low commission months. I have a few thousand dollars in a savings account for this and also some cushion in the checking account for the same reason. So, my cushion will just be a little lower.) So, here it is:
Original Budget
Saved From Last Month: $550
Income: $7,551.00
Expenses: $6,474
Left To Save For Next Month: $1,627
Revised Budget
Saved From Last Month: $550
Income: $7,551.00
Expenses: $6,662.82
Left To Save For Next Month: $1,438.18
I'm going to keep the $188.82 in the Misc. category so that I can use it for whatever I need to during the month. I have less than nothing left in the grocery budget so I'm sure I'll need to use some for that. And, although we have gone waaay over in the vacation category, we have already made plans with friends to bring the kids to a water park next week.
It has been far from a perfect month, but I'm back on track and I have a plan!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
08/16/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $0
Today's Expenses: $67.66
Mailed out some ebay packages, postage ($9.90 - misc.).
Got myself a coffee at Dunkin Donuts (yummy splurge!) - ($1.76 - JR spending).
Gave hubby his spending $ ($30 - BR spending).
Hubby's fantasy football draft kit (ugh!) ($24 - misc.)
Today's Expenses: $67.66
Mailed out some ebay packages, postage ($9.90 - misc.).
Got myself a coffee at Dunkin Donuts (yummy splurge!) - ($1.76 - JR spending).
Gave hubby his spending $ ($30 - BR spending).
Hubby's fantasy football draft kit (ugh!) ($24 - misc.)
Feeling Discouraged
Well, tracking all of my daily expenses has not been going very well. I started out with high expectations, but my performance has not been stellar.
It started two weeks ago (I know, that is almost right after I started!) when we went to a friend's beach house for the weekend. Up until that point I had budgeted $100 for "vacation" for little trips and such during the month (after all, it is summer vacation for the kids). Well, boy was I off!!! And looking back now - it seems so obvious that $100 was not going to cover the things we had planned to do in August.
So, we ran out of money during that weekend, so we dipped into the grocery envelope. After all, most of what we were spending was on eating out.
Then we went to visit my sister. Big mistake not figuring out all the money before we left. But, I did realize we needed some extra cash if we were going to bring the kids to Story Land like we had planned. So I upped the vacation fund from $100 to $400 (at least in my mind). So, I took out another $200 to pay for that trip.
I did okay on that trip, but the money was a jumble. So much had been moved from envelope to envelope that I really wasn't sure where I stood.
To be honest, I'm still not really sure.
I went to the grocery store and spent over $100 and used the debit card. (I actually forgot to bring my "envelope system" with me.)
So, the budget is a mess.
Yesterday I bought a tiny notebook to keep in my purse so I could begin again trying to track my daily spending. It shouldn't be this hard.
So, I need to go on line to check my account for all recent transactions and I need to did out my envelopes and do a tally and start over.
I'll let you know where I stand once I do.
It started two weeks ago (I know, that is almost right after I started!) when we went to a friend's beach house for the weekend. Up until that point I had budgeted $100 for "vacation" for little trips and such during the month (after all, it is summer vacation for the kids). Well, boy was I off!!! And looking back now - it seems so obvious that $100 was not going to cover the things we had planned to do in August.
So, we ran out of money during that weekend, so we dipped into the grocery envelope. After all, most of what we were spending was on eating out.
Then we went to visit my sister. Big mistake not figuring out all the money before we left. But, I did realize we needed some extra cash if we were going to bring the kids to Story Land like we had planned. So I upped the vacation fund from $100 to $400 (at least in my mind). So, I took out another $200 to pay for that trip.
I did okay on that trip, but the money was a jumble. So much had been moved from envelope to envelope that I really wasn't sure where I stood.
To be honest, I'm still not really sure.
I went to the grocery store and spent over $100 and used the debit card. (I actually forgot to bring my "envelope system" with me.)
So, the budget is a mess.
Yesterday I bought a tiny notebook to keep in my purse so I could begin again trying to track my daily spending. It shouldn't be this hard.
So, I need to go on line to check my account for all recent transactions and I need to did out my envelopes and do a tally and start over.
I'll let you know where I stand once I do.
08/15/07 - Daily Progress Report
Well, I listed 4 items on ebay yesterday, and then I found out that ebay is running a special for today - no listing fee today only. So, I listed another 6 items today. I would have liked to do more but I had a bunch of errands I had to get done and I had to go grocery shopping. It was a busy day but I'm hopeful I'll make some good cash on my 10 items.
Today's Earnings: $ .73
Cash Crate earnings: $ .70
MyLot earnings: $ .02
Ad earnings: $ .01
Today's Expenses: $176.00
Pricerite groceries: ($124.49 - grocery).
CVS groceries: ($ 3.68 - grocery).
Dollar Tree: ($ 21.53 - grocery).
Starbucks ground coffee ($16.30 - grocery).
CVS cash back to pay babysitter ($10.00 - misc.)
Today's Earnings: $ .73
Cash Crate earnings: $ .70
MyLot earnings: $ .02
Ad earnings: $ .01
Today's Expenses: $176.00
Pricerite groceries: ($124.49 - grocery).
CVS groceries: ($ 3.68 - grocery).
Dollar Tree: ($ 21.53 - grocery).
Starbucks ground coffee ($16.30 - grocery).
CVS cash back to pay babysitter ($10.00 - misc.)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
08/14/07 - Daily Progress Report
Last night I bid on a couple of back to school items for my girls on ebay and it inspired me to list some of the clothing and coats that the girls have outgrown. That will be my project for today.
Today's Earnings: $ 1.69
MyLot earnings: $ .13
Ad revenue: $1.56
Today's Expenses: $198.19
Chase Visa ($157.00 - chase).
Gas: ($38.00 - gas).
Milk ($3.19 - grocery).
Today's Earnings: $ 1.69
MyLot earnings: $ .13
Ad revenue: $1.56
Today's Expenses: $198.19
Chase Visa ($157.00 - chase).
Gas: ($38.00 - gas).
Milk ($3.19 - grocery).
Monday, August 13, 2007
Carnival of Personal Finance
This weeks Carnival of Personal Finance is over at My Open Wallet. I didn't get a chance to submit anything this week but there are some good articles so be sure to check it out!
The other day I did sign up for website called myLot It is pretty cool. It's like a forum where you can discuss any topic of interest to you. And you get paid for posting! I signed on and participated in some discussions about getting out of debt and earned $ .16. I don't think it will bring in a ton of money but every little bit helps and I like participating in forums anyway. If anyone has any interest in checking it out, click on the myLot link. (You do get credit for sending referrals, and sign up is free.)
Tracking Spending
I have been having some difficulty tracking all of our daily expenses and was wondering if anyone else does this? and what is the best way you have found to do it?
08/13/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $66.90
Well, my ebay auctions will end in 3 hours. One item is up to $15 and the other has no bids. I was hoping to do better, but I guess there's a little time left. . .Things have not yet improved with Cash Crate (today's cash crate earnings: $ .38) So, all in all I'm feeling a bit discouraged.
[Update: Ebay - sold one item for $46 (yeay!) and the other for $20.50! I'm very happy now!]
MyLot earnings today: $ .02
Today's Expenses: $11.00
Hoping to keep today's expenses at zero! Need to go back over the past few days and figure out all the spending I did. I am having a hard time keeping track of everything. Seem to borrow from one category for spending in another and it is difficult to track. Just another problem related to going over budget!!
Woops! A friend called and we decided to meet for dinner ($11.00 - JR spending).
Well, my ebay auctions will end in 3 hours. One item is up to $15 and the other has no bids. I was hoping to do better, but I guess there's a little time left. . .Things have not yet improved with Cash Crate (today's cash crate earnings: $ .38) So, all in all I'm feeling a bit discouraged.
[Update: Ebay - sold one item for $46 (yeay!) and the other for $20.50! I'm very happy now!]
MyLot earnings today: $ .02
Today's Expenses: $11.00
Hoping to keep today's expenses at zero! Need to go back over the past few days and figure out all the spending I did. I am having a hard time keeping track of everything. Seem to borrow from one category for spending in another and it is difficult to track. Just another problem related to going over budget!!
Woops! A friend called and we decided to meet for dinner ($11.00 - JR spending).
Dave Ramsey Resources and Links
Most of you know that I am a huge Dave Ramsey fan. I have read all of his books and listen to his radio station daily. I am following his Financial Baby Steps and dream of the day I can call in to his show to scream "I'm debt freeeeee!!!!"
If you'd like to learn more about Dave Ramsey and his financial plan, check out this great list of Dave Ramsey Resources and Links over at Getting Finances Done. It is an excellent compilation of all things Dave!
If you'd like to learn more about Dave Ramsey and his financial plan, check out this great list of Dave Ramsey Resources and Links over at Getting Finances Done. It is an excellent compilation of all things Dave!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
08/12/07 - Daily Progress Report
Got back from camping. We had a great time but boy does my back ache!! I think I'm getting too old to sleep on the ground!
We caved in and went out for breakfast this morning - not in the budget! This has been a bad month for spending. Seems that unless we stay home, we spend money. I'll need a little time to tally up spending for the last few days.
Signed up for MyLot today and earned a little money.
Today's Earnings: $ 1.86
MyLot earnings: $ .16
Ad revenue: $1.70
Today's Expenses: $52.57
Out to breakfast ($35.64 - vacation).
Out for ice cream ($16.93 - vacation).
We caved in and went out for breakfast this morning - not in the budget! This has been a bad month for spending. Seems that unless we stay home, we spend money. I'll need a little time to tally up spending for the last few days.
Signed up for MyLot today and earned a little money.
Today's Earnings: $ 1.86
MyLot earnings: $ .16
Ad revenue: $1.70
Today's Expenses: $52.57
Out to breakfast ($35.64 - vacation).
Out for ice cream ($16.93 - vacation).
Saturday, August 11, 2007
08/11/07 - Daily Progress Report
We are bringing the girls camping overnight today. Already paid for the campsite. Will pick up a few last minute items at the grocery store on the way. But other than than shouldn't have too many expenses for today and tomorrow. (Hopefully!)
My two items on ebay will end Monday. One will sell and is up to $12.50 already. The other doesn't have any bids yet but has 3 people watching, so I'm hopeful.
I am disappointed that Associated Content doesn't have a Special Content Offer going right now. I like knowing that I'll get a minimum of $8 for an article, but I guess I'll just have to wing it and hope for the best.
Cash Crate has also been a bit slow going this month. All the offers I have done this month have stayed in pending. None have confirmed for me. I also got my Dad and my three sisters to sign up and none of their offers have been confirming. Anyone else been having this problem?
The other thing with Cash Crate is a glitch with my computer. I have a lot of problems with "cookies". I have not been able to do some of the offers because the cookies are not enabled (and I have enabled them over and over but it won't work!). I have also not been able to do the Daily Survey for the same reason. So, it has been very frustrating.
I think the rest of the month I will focus most of my energy preparing for our Yard Sale and selling more items on ebay. Hopefully a few jewelry orders will come in too.
I need to make that $1,000 goal!! :)
Today's Earnings: $3.04
Performance bonus from Associated Content (based on page views that my articles have gotten): $2.86.
Today's Cash Crate earnings: $ .18
Today's Expenses: $
Picked up a few groceries to bring camping ($22.06 - grocery).
My two items on ebay will end Monday. One will sell and is up to $12.50 already. The other doesn't have any bids yet but has 3 people watching, so I'm hopeful.
I am disappointed that Associated Content doesn't have a Special Content Offer going right now. I like knowing that I'll get a minimum of $8 for an article, but I guess I'll just have to wing it and hope for the best.
Cash Crate has also been a bit slow going this month. All the offers I have done this month have stayed in pending. None have confirmed for me. I also got my Dad and my three sisters to sign up and none of their offers have been confirming. Anyone else been having this problem?
The other thing with Cash Crate is a glitch with my computer. I have a lot of problems with "cookies". I have not been able to do some of the offers because the cookies are not enabled (and I have enabled them over and over but it won't work!). I have also not been able to do the Daily Survey for the same reason. So, it has been very frustrating.
I think the rest of the month I will focus most of my energy preparing for our Yard Sale and selling more items on ebay. Hopefully a few jewelry orders will come in too.
I need to make that $1,000 goal!! :)
Today's Earnings: $3.04
Performance bonus from Associated Content (based on page views that my articles have gotten): $2.86.
Today's Cash Crate earnings: $ .18
Today's Expenses: $
Picked up a few groceries to bring camping ($22.06 - grocery).
Friday, August 10, 2007
08/10/07 - Daily Progress Report
Arrived back home from Maine today. Kid's had a great time, but we spent too much money. Definitely need to get busy and earn $1,000 this month!!
Today's Earnings: $6.29
Cash Crate earnings: $6.18
Ad revenue: $ .11
Today's Expenses: $60.10
Gas: $30.06
Gave hubby his weekly spending money ($30 - BR Spending).
Gas: $43.00
Today's Earnings: $6.29
Cash Crate earnings: $6.18
Ad revenue: $ .11
Today's Expenses: $60.10
Gas: $30.06
Gave hubby his weekly spending money ($30 - BR Spending).
Gas: $43.00
08/09/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $0
Still visiting my sister. No earnings to report.
Today's Expenses: $254.74
Brought the kid's to Storyland today. Cost $92 ($92 - vacation) for the four of us to get in. Bought lunch in the park ($20 - vacation). Stopped for dinner on the way home ($55 - vacation). Photos of us on the flume ride ($19.00 - vacation). Snacks in the park ($15.61). Batteries for the camera ($15.61 - vacation). Dinner on the way home ($55.00 - vacation). A very expensive day. I am going way over on the vacation budget this month!! Got gas ($35.10 - JR auto gas). Brian got gas ($24.54 - BR auto gas). Paid daughter's flute rental ($28.10 - misc.)
Still visiting my sister. No earnings to report.
Today's Expenses: $254.74
Brought the kid's to Storyland today. Cost $92 ($92 - vacation) for the four of us to get in. Bought lunch in the park ($20 - vacation). Stopped for dinner on the way home ($55 - vacation). Photos of us on the flume ride ($19.00 - vacation). Snacks in the park ($15.61). Batteries for the camera ($15.61 - vacation). Dinner on the way home ($55.00 - vacation). A very expensive day. I am going way over on the vacation budget this month!! Got gas ($35.10 - JR auto gas). Brian got gas ($24.54 - BR auto gas). Paid daughter's flute rental ($28.10 - misc.)
08/08/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $0
Visiting my sister. No earnings to report.
Today's Expenses: $2,395.17
Had planned to bring the kid's to Storyland today, but it was raining. We stayed home at my sister's for most of the day, but brought the kid's to an indoor playspace for dinner where they had games, a few rides, and things like that. Spent $40 ($40 - vacation).
Paid mortgage ($2,355.17 - mortgage).
Visiting my sister. No earnings to report.
Today's Expenses: $2,395.17
Had planned to bring the kid's to Storyland today, but it was raining. We stayed home at my sister's for most of the day, but brought the kid's to an indoor playspace for dinner where they had games, a few rides, and things like that. Spent $40 ($40 - vacation).
Paid mortgage ($2,355.17 - mortgage).
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
08/07/07 - Daily Progress Report
I'm leaving to bring the kid's to visit my sister in Maine for 3 days, so I won't be able to update my blog for a couple of days. I'll be back on Thursday, 8/9/07. :)
(Hopefully we won't spend too much while we're away!)
Today's Earnings: $ .31
Today's Cash Crate earnings: $ .31
Today's Expenses: $217.32
Made camping reservation for this weekend ($25 - vacation).
Paid HELOQ ($192.32 - Direct Federal).
(Hopefully we won't spend too much while we're away!)
Today's Earnings: $ .31
Today's Cash Crate earnings: $ .31
Today's Expenses: $217.32
Made camping reservation for this weekend ($25 - vacation).
Paid HELOQ ($192.32 - Direct Federal).
Monday, August 6, 2007
08/06/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $ 2.25
Today's Ad revenue: $ .89
Listed two items on ebay and added an ebay button that links to my items for sale (they're not showing just yet but hopefully just needs time to link in). Hopefully will earn some cash for these.
Today's Cash Crate earnings: $1.36
Today's Expenses: $187.61
Ordered 3 months supply of contact lenses: $100 (misc.)
Gas for car: $35.12 (auto gas)
Added minutes to prepaid cell phone: $52.49 (misc.)
Today's Ad revenue: $ .89
Listed two items on ebay and added an ebay button that links to my items for sale (they're not showing just yet but hopefully just needs time to link in). Hopefully will earn some cash for these.
Today's Cash Crate earnings: $1.36
Today's Expenses: $187.61
Ordered 3 months supply of contact lenses: $100 (misc.)
Gas for car: $35.12 (auto gas)
Added minutes to prepaid cell phone: $52.49 (misc.)
Carnival of Personal Finance
This week's Carnival of Personal Finance is over at the Frugal Law Student. Check it out!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
August 2007 Budget Update
Well, just five days into this months budget and I'm facing some serious problems.
1. Only $125 left from the grocery category. This might be a problem. My current groceries will probably last for two weeks, but it will be tough to get through the rest of the month on only $125. I usually plan on $90 per week, but spent a lot this week. First, I spent a lot on actual groceries since I hadn't been grocery shopping in nearly 3 weeks. And then a large amount was spent on vacation food.
2. Only $20 left from the vacation category. This will be a problem because we have the following vacation activities planned this month:
- visiting my sister in Maine for 3 days and planning to take the kids to Story Land for one of the days
- going on a 2 day camping trip ($35 fee for the site, shouldn't cost too much more, hopefully)
- neighborhood block party, we need to plan a game which shouldn't cost much or anything, and will need to bring food, which could be fairly inexpensive (and the food could come out of the grocery category, although that category also has very little left)
- neighborhood yard sale, may need to chip in for a permit and an ad in the paper (this probably doesn't fall into the vacation category and may be taken from the misc. category).
It certainly has been eye-opening tracking every daily expense and purchase. I guess it is good to be aware of the problem areas while there is still time to do some readjusting rather than waiting until the month is over and seeing that we were way off target.
Does anyone else find it helpful to track your daily spending?
1. Only $125 left from the grocery category. This might be a problem. My current groceries will probably last for two weeks, but it will be tough to get through the rest of the month on only $125. I usually plan on $90 per week, but spent a lot this week. First, I spent a lot on actual groceries since I hadn't been grocery shopping in nearly 3 weeks. And then a large amount was spent on vacation food.
2. Only $20 left from the vacation category. This will be a problem because we have the following vacation activities planned this month:
- visiting my sister in Maine for 3 days and planning to take the kids to Story Land for one of the days
- going on a 2 day camping trip ($35 fee for the site, shouldn't cost too much more, hopefully)
- neighborhood block party, we need to plan a game which shouldn't cost much or anything, and will need to bring food, which could be fairly inexpensive (and the food could come out of the grocery category, although that category also has very little left)
- neighborhood yard sale, may need to chip in for a permit and an ad in the paper (this probably doesn't fall into the vacation category and may be taken from the misc. category).
It certainly has been eye-opening tracking every daily expense and purchase. I guess it is good to be aware of the problem areas while there is still time to do some readjusting rather than waiting until the month is over and seeing that we were way off target.
Does anyone else find it helpful to track your daily spending?
08/05/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $1.81
Cash Crate earnings: $1.81
Today's Expenses: $130.00
Today we went to the local Seafood Festival. Bought tickets for the kids to go on the rides ($50.00!! - vacation). Then let the kids play some games and had lunch and ice cream ($35 - vacation / $45- grocery). Our hosts were even talking about visiting a waterpark after the festival but luckily we decided to go back and swim in the lake (for free!) instead! This was a very, very expensive day and just about used our entire vacation budget (and we have a lot more excursions planned for this month)!
I found it was difficult to try to be frugal when you are someone's guest. They are the planners and the organizers and you have to be polite. Don't get me wrong, we had a wonderful time, but we spent a lot more than we had planned. Probably the biggest culprit is that we did not budget adequately for this event, as well as the others we have planned. I think that $200 was never going to cover all the "vacation" activities that I wanted to do this month. We should have allotted more money or canceled some of our plans. I'll need to take a closer look and talk to my husband about what we should do. (Although I know he will just want to pay less towards the debts and enjoy our plans. He is only partially on board and doesn't believe that it really is possible to live a debt free life. But I am determined!) So, a little readjusting and we'll figure it out. :)
Cash Crate earnings: $1.81
Today's Expenses: $130.00
Today we went to the local Seafood Festival. Bought tickets for the kids to go on the rides ($50.00!! - vacation). Then let the kids play some games and had lunch and ice cream ($35 - vacation / $45- grocery). Our hosts were even talking about visiting a waterpark after the festival but luckily we decided to go back and swim in the lake (for free!) instead! This was a very, very expensive day and just about used our entire vacation budget (and we have a lot more excursions planned for this month)!
I found it was difficult to try to be frugal when you are someone's guest. They are the planners and the organizers and you have to be polite. Don't get me wrong, we had a wonderful time, but we spent a lot more than we had planned. Probably the biggest culprit is that we did not budget adequately for this event, as well as the others we have planned. I think that $200 was never going to cover all the "vacation" activities that I wanted to do this month. We should have allotted more money or canceled some of our plans. I'll need to take a closer look and talk to my husband about what we should do. (Although I know he will just want to pay less towards the debts and enjoy our plans. He is only partially on board and doesn't believe that it really is possible to live a debt free life. But I am determined!) So, a little readjusting and we'll figure it out. :)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
08/04/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $ .36
Ad revenue: $ .36
Today's Expenses: $88.00
My daughter returned from the Cape today and she did not spend the $ I gave her so I put the $20 back into the vacation envelope and added back into the budget.
We went to our friend's beach house today. Stopped and picked up some alcohol to bring ($35.00 - vacation) and some deli meat ($13.00 - grocery) so we could eat lunch when we got there. We went swimming at the lake ($0!) then ate dinner with them ($0). Then we went out for ice cream ($20.00 - vacation). Then we went bowling ($20.00 - vacation). We had a great day.
Ad revenue: $ .36
Today's Expenses: $88.00
My daughter returned from the Cape today and she did not spend the $ I gave her so I put the $20 back into the vacation envelope and added back into the budget.
We went to our friend's beach house today. Stopped and picked up some alcohol to bring ($35.00 - vacation) and some deli meat ($13.00 - grocery) so we could eat lunch when we got there. We went swimming at the lake ($0!) then ate dinner with them ($0). Then we went out for ice cream ($20.00 - vacation). Then we went bowling ($20.00 - vacation). We had a great day.
08/03/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Earnings: $ .94
Cash Crate: $ .94
Today's Expenses: $305.32
Went grocery shopping today and spend a large sum but haven't been grocery shopping in almost three weeks, so we needed a lot ($166.32 - grocery). Stopped at McDonald's for lunch on the way, shouldn't have but we really had nothing in the house ($9.00 - JR spending). Gave hubby his weekly spending money ($30 - BR spending). My husband and I went out to dinner with a friend who was visiting from out of town, since we went way over our weekly "pizza" money, I'll take the rest out of the grocery budget ($20 - pizza / $30-grocery). Bought some potted flowers as a gift for the friend we will be spending the weekend with. Went to Lowes to buy it because we had a gift card there, and I got them on clearance ($6 - n/a). Hubby filled his car with gas ($30 - BR auto gas). Put some gas in my car ($20 - JR auto gas). Another high expense day and the weekend won't be much better since we will be away for the weekend. And I won't be working at the church which will mean I lose out on another $28.
Cash Crate: $ .94
Today's Expenses: $305.32
Went grocery shopping today and spend a large sum but haven't been grocery shopping in almost three weeks, so we needed a lot ($166.32 - grocery). Stopped at McDonald's for lunch on the way, shouldn't have but we really had nothing in the house ($9.00 - JR spending). Gave hubby his weekly spending money ($30 - BR spending). My husband and I went out to dinner with a friend who was visiting from out of town, since we went way over our weekly "pizza" money, I'll take the rest out of the grocery budget ($20 - pizza / $30-grocery). Bought some potted flowers as a gift for the friend we will be spending the weekend with. Went to Lowes to buy it because we had a gift card there, and I got them on clearance ($6 - n/a). Hubby filled his car with gas ($30 - BR auto gas). Put some gas in my car ($20 - JR auto gas). Another high expense day and the weekend won't be much better since we will be away for the weekend. And I won't be working at the church which will mean I lose out on another $28.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
08/02/07 - Daily Progress Report
Today's Expenses: $69.99
Took the girls to the beach today. Stopped to get gas on the way ($35.12-auto gas). Picked up some turkey and bananas to bring for lunch ($5.87-grocery). Paid for parking at the beach ($20-vacation). Bought the girls each an ice cream ($9-grocery). All in all a rather expensive day but the girls had fun and we made some memories.
Today's Earnings:$9.61
Cash Crate earnings today: $9.50
Ad revenue: $ .11
Took the girls to the beach today. Stopped to get gas on the way ($35.12-auto gas). Picked up some turkey and bananas to bring for lunch ($5.87-grocery). Paid for parking at the beach ($20-vacation). Bought the girls each an ice cream ($9-grocery). All in all a rather expensive day but the girls had fun and we made some memories.
Today's Earnings:$9.61
Cash Crate earnings today: $9.50
Ad revenue: $ .11
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
August 2007 Budget
Well, our August Budget is complete. Looks like our expenses will be $6,474 this month if nothing unexpected happens.
I have budgeted $200 for vacation money as we will be spending the weekend at a friend's beach house, visiting my sister in Maine, going to Story Land (amusement park), and bringing the kids camping. I might have been a little too tight in this category but I'm hoping that since we will be out of town a lot during August we should have a little extra money from the grocery budget.
The misc. category is to cover any unexpected bills. I know we have a bill for $25 for the last payment for my daughters flute rental and another $25 bill for some lab work my doctor ordered.
The pizza category is for our weekly Friday night meal, usually takeout pizza.
The spending category is for "blow" money. $30 for my husband and $20 for myself each week. This is money we do not have to account for.
Kid's clothes is for back to school clothes. I had budgeted a little for the past few months and I still have some left over to add to this months.
Parties is for the kid's birthdays which are in the fall, I budget early so I will hopefully plan early.
I have budgeted $200 for vacation money as we will be spending the weekend at a friend's beach house, visiting my sister in Maine, going to Story Land (amusement park), and bringing the kids camping. I might have been a little too tight in this category but I'm hoping that since we will be out of town a lot during August we should have a little extra money from the grocery budget.
The misc. category is to cover any unexpected bills. I know we have a bill for $25 for the last payment for my daughters flute rental and another $25 bill for some lab work my doctor ordered.
The pizza category is for our weekly Friday night meal, usually takeout pizza.
The spending category is for "blow" money. $30 for my husband and $20 for myself each week. This is money we do not have to account for.
Kid's clothes is for back to school clothes. I had budgeted a little for the past few months and I still have some left over to add to this months.
Parties is for the kid's birthdays which are in the fall, I budget early so I will hopefully plan early.
08/01/07 - Daily Progress Report

Well, I have posted my August Budget in the right side bar. There may be a few adjustments to the numbers early in the month as I was late in putting it together and need to check with my husband for any bills or expenses I have forgotten.
I welcome any questions or comments in regards to the budget.
I'm hoping that tracking every expense every day in my blog will ensure that we monitor our actual expenses and make sure they are in line with our budget.
Today's Earnings
Emigrant Direct Interest: $55
Cash Crate: $ .79
Total: $55.79
Today's Expenses
Misc.: $15.90 (Shipped 2 items I sold on ebay and 1 package for my daughter.)
Vacation: $20.00 (Gave $20 to my daughter who is spending the weekend at the beach with a friend.)
Total: $35.90
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